Flewber Acquisition Completed by CREATD Inc. (OTC: CRTD)

Strategic acquisitions often have a significantly bigger aim for companies and can often lead to outsized returns, which is why yesterday’s announcement from CREATD Inc. (OTC: CRTD) could be one to watch. On Tuesday, the company had come into focus after it announced that it had completed the acquisition of the firm Flewber Inc. We take a closer look in this feature.

Key New Acquisition

In the news release yesterday, CREATD announced that it completed the strategic acquisition in a transaction worth as much as $8.3 million. However, more importantly, following the acquisition, the company would work on helping Flewber in its transformation to Flyer Inc., an air mobility platform aimed for the new age.

Key Details

CREATD would provide the crucial strategic oversight for the purpose of making Flyte’s operations more optimized, boosting its AI-powered booking capabilities, and taking it to a position of long-term profitability in the regional air mobility space worth $28.5 billion. Thanks to the AI-powered booking system of Flyer, it would be possible for CREATD to boost efficiency and lift the level of customer experience significantly. At this point in time, it may be a good move to add the CREATD stock to the watch lists.

CEO Quote

“Regional air mobility is entering a new era, and Flyte is positioned at the forefront of that transformation,” said Jeremy Frommer, CEO of Creatd. “By integrating our expertise in AI, data, and operational efficiency, we are driving Flyte toward cash-flow positivity and long-term market leadership.”



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