Oliveda International Inc (OTC:OLVI) Unveils A Fresh Line Of Water-Free Beauty Products From Oliveda And Associated Brands

 Oliveda International Inc (OTC:OLVI) announced new products in the waterless beauty lines by its subsidiary, Olive Tree People, as well as its affiliated brands. New products include the Oliveda’s F86 Corrective Vegan Hyaluronic Serum Face, providing an effective combination of regenerating and protective hydroxytyrosol.

Developing a cream entails 70% water, many preservatives, and about 25% refined vegetable oils. However, preservatives on the skin can damage the microbiome and promote inflammatory processes, having hormonal effects. Founder and CEO Thomas Lommel created a future over two decades ago, which is being spoken extensively today.

Mr. Lommelsaid that Waterless Beauty is The Next Big Thing and the company is growing to have more than 30,000 Waterless Beauty Consultants in the next 18 months. Lommel added that this will ensure a significant contribution to awareness of sustainable beauty. The CEO further said that the goal is to lower skin diseases by 500% and aid people gain naturally healthy glowing skin.

Oliveda and its sister brands don’t use 70% water but rather cell elixir of olive leaf developed by Thomas Lommel. This has a highly antioxidant effect and counteracts inflammation.  The company uses cold-pressed Bioactive Arbequina Oil derived from its own eco-certified mountain olive trees.

Lommel said that sustainability isn’t just a marketing tool but something that the firm has been practicing for over 20 years. Lommel further stated that there is a deep affection for trees and the company is creating a sustainable cycle for 20 years.

A subsidiary of Oliveda International Inc, Olive Tree People Inc, is a pioneer in Waterless Beauty and has been a successful retailer in Europe for about 20 years with customer retention of about 84%. Olive Tree People has about 30,000 + Waterless Beauty Advocates and owns Olive Tree People Flag Ship Stores.

Its Founder Thomas Lommelsaid that the company’s mission is to heal with the power of mountain olive trees and the company takes big lands with mountain olive trees to cultivate and certify them.  The CEO added that the firm then supplies globally a novel ‘Holistic Beauty Molecule’ hydroxytyrosol protecting human cells and protecting cells of trees up to 4,000 years.  He further stated that over 2.5 billion people on the planet have no access to clean water. This is why the company brings water to people in Africa through water well in lieu of the water not used in its products.

The company calls the cycle Olive Tree People – from Tree to Beauty. Oliveda is convinced that it can reach 30 times more people with the 30,000 Waterless Beauty Advocates in Canada and the U.S. through traditional retail. It believes in nature’s example, sensual living products, which can unfold synergies and magic.


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